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Traxxall Aviator Release Notes


September 22nd, 2024

This release includes reworks for both the user-level and site-admin aircraft editor modals. It also includes a slew of bug fixes as well as substantial load time improvements for certain pages.
  • Users
    • [FEATURE] - Redesign the aircraft editor modal (Accessed via Aircraft -> Edit on one aircraft). It now displays more information, such as previously removed engines and props, and is much more readable at-a-glance than the previous form-based approach.
    • [FEATURE] - Allow for TBO days to be used in new custom items added via the MTR process
    • [FIX] - Keep the entered values in the search fields of the Reports page after clicking search
    • [FIX] - Keep the entered search term in the form field when performing MTR searches
    • [FIX] - Allow searching for MTRs by their Aviator MTR ID (e.g. 1234-98765)
    • [CHANGE] - Allow editing of the removed part #/serial # during a component swap in the MTR process. Previously, the fields were locked down to what was already known in Aviator, even if that was inaccurate.
    • [CHANGE] - Update our public-facing phone number (and make it config-based for easier future updating)
    • [FIX] - Don't display MTRs that have been replaced in the Recent MTRs box (on the dashboard and MTR screens)
    • [FIX] - Prevent wrapping of the type options in Reports advanced search.
    • [FEATURE] - Display the submitted "Time Since New" & "Cycles Since New" MTR items that have them in the MTR details modal.
    • [FEATURE] - When viewing an MTR's details in the modal view, show an alert and a link to the correct MTR if it has been replaced
    • [FEATURE] - Display the Aviator MTR ID in the MTR details modal
    • [FIX] - Show an error message and a Close button on any modal that fails to load. Previously, it would show a loading screen forever, even if it had failed.
    • [FEATURE] - Show a "Low-Utilization" flag on the dashboard and the updated aircraft details modal for aircraft on a related program with their OEM. (Must first be flagged by a site-admin, reach out to us if this applies to you)
    • [FEATURE] - Significantly improve load times of the dashboard (~20%), most notably for busy accounts and larger fleets. First, by loading in the charts more efficiently and second, by only loading the five most recent unread activity alerts.
    • [CHANGE] - Make airframe hours/landings required in MTR process. Those fields are normally auto-filled anyway, but removing them was allowed and could cause issues with the MTR.
    • [HOTFIX] - Allow certain engine/prop swap related MTRs to go through that were previously erroring out by only falling back to the engine hours/cycles on the MTR if they actually exist. (September 16th)
    • [CHANGE] - Require a company/organization name in the registration workflow. Previously, on the off-chance nothing was entered, we would use the user's first and last name instead, which had the potential for confusion.
    • [FEATURE] - Greatly improve the loading time and usability of the login screen on weaker connections. Achieved by serving much smaller images, having an appropriate background color to not obscure the login form if the image doesn't load, and less scripting.
    • [CHANGE] - Viewing all activity logs at the bottom of the dashboard (now called "Latest Unread Alerts") is now scoped to current aircraft. If no aircraft is currently selected on the dashboard, the alerts will include all aircraft in the organization.
    • [FIX] - No longer send notification emails to inactive aircraft. This mostly applies to aircraft that have recently registred but haven't yet been through the full intake process.
  • Site-Admins
    • [FEATURE] - Completely redesign the site-admin aircraft editor.
      • Reworked the overall layout for greater readability
      • Now displays the creation date and last updated dates
      • Allows flagging an aircraft as being "DAR Only" (largely for statistics purposes)
      • Allows flagging an aircraft as being on a Low-Utilization-type program with their OEM
      • Now requires the admin to explain the reason for editing the aircraft directly
      • Now displays the submitted editing reasons in the edit history
      • Allows for the removal/re-adding of engines/props without the need for the MTR process (primarily used for correcting otherwise unfixable mistakes in MTRs)
      • Allows for editing of certain aircraft that would previously error out (due to unusual engine/prop data).
    • [FIX] - Keep the entered search options when performing searches on Aliases under Tools -> Manage Aliases.
    • [FEATURE] - Add a new column "Registrable" to Aircraft Management -> Types in site-admin to indicate which aircraft types we allow users to register with. (August 14th)
    • [CHANGE] - Make the admin Advisories search header match MTR search style
    • [FIX] - Stop the TBO Adj. Months field from showing on an item using TBO days in the site-admin maint item bulk editor
    • [CHANGE] - Remove SVGs in admin master list index view to improve load times on large lists (August 14th)
    • [HOTFIX] - Show round sliders on the site-admin aircraft import pages (was only broken on Chrome). (August 21st)
    • [CHANGE] - Don't include DAR-only aircraft in the stats of the admin dashboard (exception of including their count in "Active (No Subscription)" stats.)
    • [FIX] - Allow editing of TBO months in maint items bulk editor. Previously, the entered value wasn't being saved properly and was only saving as a TBO days interval of 0.
    • [FIX] - The download buttons for engine data, APU data, etc on the Textron Data Hub section of site-admin now properly download data again instead of refreshing the page.
    • [FEATURE] - Greatly improve load times on the site-admin aircraft search page. The bigger the result set, the more the speedup. Loading all aircraft in Aviator goes from roughly 30 seconds to 1.
    • [FEATURE] - Display "DAR-only" for aircraft with the flag in the site-admin aircraft search page.
  • Digital Aircraft Records
    • [FIX] - Fixed bug where restoring a deleted Document restored the temporary 'PDF is processing' Page. (August 8th)
    • [FIX] - Asynchronous deletion of Folders for huge mass Folder deletes. (August 8th)
    • [FIX] - Asynchronous permanent deletion of Folders for huge mass Folder deletes. (August 9th)
    • [FIX] - Delete all option in permanently delete Document groups. (August 9th)
    • [FIX] - Resolve the 'Select All' action not functioning as expected in the trash view. (August 13th)
    • [FIX] - Resolve the 'Select All' action not working for mass deletion in the trash view. (August 13th)
    • [FEATURE] - Added and synced versioning to Aviator releases. (August 16th)
    • [FEATURE] [DEV-ONLY] - Full zip imports with retained directory structure. (August 20th)
    • [FIX] - Resolve buffer overflow of search engine cache when processing massive scan imports. (August 27th)
    • [FIX] - Dramatically reduced search indexing time with search engine batching. (August 27th)
    • [FIX] - Resolved any missing search indexes. (August 27th)
    • [FIX] - Resolved very large PDFs failing to process asynchronously. (August 30th)
    • [FIX] - Resolved access imports not processing large PDFs asynchronously. (August 30th)
    • [FIX] - Resolved 'PDF is processing' message not showing up when processing extremely large PDFs. (August 30th)
    • [FEATURE] - Cross component searching. (September 22nd)


August 11th, 2024

This version of Traxxall Aviator includes several bug fixes and a few new site admin features, including a new MTR items bulk-editor.
  • [HOTFIX] - Resolved several issues related to viewing and editing date-based TBOs. (July 10)
  • [HOTFIX] [Site-Admin] - Remedied a bug which prevented importing of CAMP reports that contained "EFF" as a new designation. (July 15th)
  • [HOTFIX] [Site-Admin] - Fixed an issue surrounding dates that prevented site admins from importing a master list from CSV. (July 17th)
  • [HOTFIX] [Site-Admin] - Resolved a bug that was loading the newest account admin user, not the oldest, when site admins view an aircraft. (July 17th)
  • [HOTFIX] - Solved a problem where a small set of user accounts could not load credit card information. (August 7th)
  • [FEATURE] [Site-Admin] - Now allows site admins to bulk-edit up to 50 MRO MTR items at a time. It's available on steps 3 and 4 of the signoff process.
  • [FIX] - Remedied multiple issues with swapping engines and propellers using the MTR process.
  • [FIX] [Site-Admin] - Resolved a bug where aircraft imports would occasionally fail, but not report a failure and be stuck loading forever.
  • [FEATURE] [Site-Admin] - Added the ability for site admins to view the number of active and inactive aircraft under Aircraft Management > Types.
  • [FEATURE] - Aviator now displays a more helpful explainer message when setting the status of an MTR item.
  • [FIX] - Substantially improved the loading times of the MTR confirmation/sign off page.
  • [FEATURE] [Site-Admin] - Added a link to the replacement MTR in the MRO MTR review page (if it exists).
  • [FIX] - Allow "Time Since New" and "Cycles Since New" to be manually specified for all part conditions in MTRs. Previously, new parts were always assumed to be zero, with no chance to override.
  • [FEATURE] - Begin displaying the version number in the footer which links to a history of version updates in the application (this page).
  • [CHANGE] - Modals in the application can no longer be closed by clicking outside of them. This prevents the possible loss of work when adding MTR items. Modals can still be closed at the top, the bottom, and with the ESC key.
  • [FEATURE] - Enabled basic navigation animations between pages to improve fluidity (Chrome only, for the moment).
  • [FIX] [Site-Admin] - Resolved an issue where many, if not all Advisories in the list view were showing an empty "ghost" TBO.
  • [FEATURE] [Site-Admin] - Added the Org/Account name and billing ID to the "New Aircraft Subscription Created" email sent to admins.